General Liability Insurance

No matter how diligently you remove all possible hazards from your business, the truth is that you could still be sued successfully for accidents resulting from the carelessness of a customer. Thankfully, you can protect yourself and your business against devastating claims for things over which you have minimal control. This type of insurance is called Business Liability Insurance, and its just what you need in order to counter the unknown risks posed by products, directors & officers, errors & omissions, discrimination and other such liabilities.

You’re in luck!

We offer Professional Liability Insurance services to Manufacturers, Wholesale, Retail, Services, Transportation, Construction, Commercial Real Estate, small Contractors, Restaurants, Hotels, Apartments, and many other businesses throughout North Carolina. We have the valuable experience and the necessary resources to analyze and recommend the correct amount of Business Liability Insurance for your small business.


Protecting your Assets and Liabilities
Our exposure analysis identifies your business’ risks and recommends the optimal blend of insurance coverage and risk management. This generally involves a combination of:


  • Workers Compensation
  • Property Liability
  • Business Auto Insurance and More

Business Liability Insurance Features
Business liability insurance coverage insures your business in the event of accidents and injury that might occur on your premises and any exposures related to your products. It will protect your business from possible huge payments for bodily injury or property damage to a third party and for medical expenses accruing to the underlying incident. It will also absorb the cost of defending lawsuits that may include needing investigations or settlements, and for any judgments or bonds required during an appeal.

What You Need to Know ABout: “EPLI:

AKA: Employment Practice Liability!
AKA: Dirty Old Man Insurance!

Holiday parties are supposed to be a time to unwind, a time to reflect, and a time to have fun with co-workers. Unfortunately, some employees seem to feel that a party is a time to act stupid.


In fact, general liability policies often exclude the following:


• Discrimination (failure or refusal to hire or any other wrongful treatment of people based on their race, sex, color, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability or other status that is protected by federal, state, or local statute or ordinance);


• Harassment (of either a sexual or non-sexual nature); and


• Wrongful Termination (any actual or alleged wrongful dismissal, discharge or termination of employment, including breach of contract).


Your reaction to bad behavior may be completely justified; it may even be a smart business decision that would appear to be beyond reproach. But, if you’re challenged and you have to go to court to defend yourself, you’re on your own unless you have Employment Practices Liability Insurance. And the cost of defending these claims can be HUGE! In Fact In Most Cases The Cost Of Defense Is The Greatest Cost!


Do you need this coverage? Honestly, I can’t answer that. I expect you know your office, know your employees and know your “corporate culture”. But look at these cases and ask yourself


“Where would I get the money to pay these claims? Or the money to defend them?”

• Man with foot disability discriminated against and retaliated against by his employer: Jury verdict $500,000 total damages

• Woman who suffered sexual harassment by co-worker: Jury verdict $175,000 total damages

• Sexual harassment of a female worker by her supervisor: $180,000 awarded

• Racial harassment suffered by Jewish worker: $155,000 awarded

Whatever coverage you’re looking for,
Great State Insurance has it!